What is Body Sculpting?

What is body sculpting?  Most medical spas these days offer some kind of body sculpting, and this term can be really confusing.  Aren’t we sculpting when we use filler in the face?  Does this mean weight loss?  Can body sculpting take away my _________?  Most forms of body sculpting are non-invasive ways of melting a little bit of fat and tightening skin.   These treatments include truSculpt, Coolsculpt, EMsculpt, etc. The purpose of these treatments is to target a small area that bulges or folds in a way that you don’t love.  It is not as effective for treating large areas of fat.  Think of love handles, or the fullness that can often develop above a C-section scar, the pooch at the top of an inner thigh, the fullness many have on the inside of the knees, the back of the arms, or fullness around the bra strap in the back or near the armpit.  These treatments are intended to reduce the amount of fat in that area and tighten the skin over the top, thereby making the bulging spot look smoother.  Typically, more than one treatment is necessary to see the best results, and different bodies may have a bigger or smaller response to this type of treatment.  An initial consultation is very important to evaluate what is being treated and to make sure that your hopes for your results are within what the treatment can do.  There are also more invasive methods of body sculpting, which often go along with a more dramatic result.  These include fat melting injections, laser liposuction, and others.  The risks involved in more invasive treatments increases also, such as infection, etc.  At Derma we use truScult, because it is safer than so many others, does not require intense suction at the treatment site which could encourage laxity and cause undue trauma, and has continually evolved over the years providing the most up-to-date and satisfying results.

Bessie McCann