Turning 40. She's ready!



This is a turning point in many people's lives, a birthday that feels really big, and not everyone feels good about it. Here are Bessie's thoughts on turning 40:

"I'm proud of my age. When I think of how many hats I've worn in all that time, how many things I've set out to do, whether I've succeeded or not, they are measures of my life so far. They are reminders of how much has yet to happen, of how old and how young I am.

My feelings about aging have not changed, we wear our signs of aging like badges of honor, but not all. Some make us feel that we are looking older than we feel. I'm glad I don't look twenty years old, I'm glad it's believable that I'm 40. However, I'm proud that I look good for 40."


One of the most common questions Bessie gets on a daily basis is...
"What do you do?"

In the spirit of feeling fabulous at 40, she wanted to share her regimen.

  • Dysport everywhere

  • Restylane and Voluma fillers in her cheeks

  • SkinMedica Foaming Cleanser

  • Lytera 2.0

  • TNS Essential Serum

  • HA5

  • iLike Rosehip Whipped Moisturizer, sometimes she mixes in Hylunia Calming Face Oil.

  • iLike St. Johns Wort Eye Contour Cream

Happy Birthday Dr. Bessie!

Bessie McCann